Symplectic Elements

Collect, analyse, showcase & report on all your scholarly activities 

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The Elements Platform 1

Powering the Research Management Ecosystem

Symplectic Elements is a highly-configurable research management system which ingests data from multiple sources to build a truly comprehensive picture of your organisational data.

You can structure and connect scholarly information throughout the research lifecycle, reducing administrative burden, deriving powerful new insights, and showcasing the real-world impact of your research.

Symplectic Elements goes beyond traditional Research Information Management (RIM) systems, offering you tools for research funding and awards management, equipment and technology profiles, and assessment exercises – all within one easily-navigable, single source of truth.

Everything you need at your fingertips

By bringing data from multiple sources together in one centralised space, Symplectic Elements gives you access to all the research information you need while reducing the administrative burden of institutional data management. Data capture is automated in the background wherever possible, freeing up researchers’ time to complete important tasks.

After capture, all scholarly activities and information can be managed centrally and structured for reuse and reporting: from research outputs, to contracts and grants, impact and citations, and teaching and professional activities.


What is Research Information Management?

The Elements Platform 6

Collect and reuse research information

Our core functionality is centred around continuous, automated capture of research output data from multiple internal and external sources. Using simple workflows and integrations with other institutional systems, Elements reduces the administrative burden of research data management.

Showcase academic achievements

Gathering attention for your research should be easy. Through our profiles technology, Elements simplifies the creation and maintenance of a public presence that broadcasts your expertise. Alternatively, Elements can also populate existing public-facing profiles or institutional websites.

Simplify faculty evaluation

Activity and performance reviews can be time-consuming, manual and even still involve paper documents. Elements data streamlines review processes and supports capturing score sets and feedback. Faculty members can even generate CVs and biosketches from their Elements profile.

Manage funding workflows seamlessly 

Support research funding workflows and awards management by bringing together research information management and research funding activities in one cloud-hosted system.

Public Profiles 80

Showcase researcher expertise and enable new collaborations

Elevate your academic achievements by repurposing the rich and often unique data already harvested within Elements and surfacing it in an easy-to-maintain, modern search and discovery interface. These powerful public profiles are automatically populated with rich and varied information including biographies, contact information, publications, grants and more.

Symplectic Elements offers best-of-breed profile technology, going beyond researcher CVs and publications to incorporate profiles for groups and departments, equipment and technology, patents and IP, and more. Academics can use their public profiles to demonstrate impact and expertise, explore internal and external collaboration, find mentorship opportunities, and dive into connections across institutional networks. Institutions can maximise the use and visibility of high-value facilities, drive research collaboration and innovation, and open up potential new industry partnerships and revenue streams.


Find out more about Public Profiles

Simplify research assessment exercises

Streamline research assessment exercises and track compliance with government and institutional policies using Elements’ specialist tooling. Researchers can complete activity reports directly within the platform, while administrators benefit from configurable, trackable review processes and workflows for easy capture of feedback.

Symplectic Elements has a full feature set supporting government assessments such as the UK Research Excellence Framework (REF), Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) and New Zealand’s Performance-Based Research Fund (PBRF).

Our out-of-the-box assessment workflows can also be used to streamline any process where you need to gather submissions from users – such as publication review & approvals, requests to attend conferences, internal peer reviews, and promotion rounds.


Manage assessment exercises

The Elements Platform 4

Manage government research assessments

Elements enables you to collect, collate, and report on research inputs, outputs, outcomes, and professional activities, helping to inform compliance and assessment submission strategies and ensure you have the data you need to meet your reporting requirements.

Support open access workflows

The push to make research open to the public is a leading trend across the research landscape. Symplectic Elements’ world leading software can help you support and streamline your open access workflows. The system provides an efficient method for faculty to deposit their research into your institution’s public repository.

Track and demonstrate impact

Our dedicated Impact module supports the capture and curation of records around impact plans and case studies, as well as helping you to track and report on impact indicators and engagement activities.

New White House OSTP Public Access Recommendations: Maturing your Institutional Open Access Strategy 1

Powerful institutional reporting for actionable insights

Our highly configurable reporting tools enable you to track and analyse research activities, letting you identify trends, compare year-on-year figures, and track progress against strategic objectives. Save time with our out-of-the-box dashboards and data extracts or let us customise reporting templates to your specific requirements. Reports can be provided as formatted reports, visual dashboards, or CSV extracts, letting you access your data in a way that works for you.

  • Flexible data model equipped to handle the unique needs of different departments and faculties.
  • ‘Single source of truth’ approach to records management prioritises intelligent data linking.
  • Full access to the underlying data to support custom institutional reporting requirements, including the utilisation of report templates (such as CVs or biosketches) to export information.
  • Data completeness reports help you easily identify areas requiring additional user input and take action on them.
  • Record submission information against associated funding proposals, manually or via bulk upload.
  • Automated capture and append of records from multiple data sources (including ISSN, GRID) ensures consistency and completeness of data across all record sources.


Analyse and activate your data

monitoring open access

Improve compliance with open access mandates

Our powerful bi-directional repository integration links to the institutional repositories of your choice. Not only does Elements make it simple for researchers to deposit publications, it also offers reporting tools and dashboards allowing administrators to identify work that should be made openly available, monitor open access engagement and compliance, and take actions on researchers’ behalf. You can defined your own open access strategy and workflows within the system to automate which publications are targeted for deposit, record exceptions, and create reports on compliance at a researcher, department or group level.


Streamline open access deposit

The Elements Platform 7

Transparent, end-to-end awards management

Our specialist awards management tools give you the ability to promote relevant funding opportunities to your academic community, enhanced with institution-specific information, and work with them collaboratively to develop proposals. Administrators can preconfigure review and approval workflows to ensure proposals receive appropriate institutional sign-off before submission, and management reporting and post-award activities following submission. Increase the visibility of the status of proposals and projects to researchers and administrators throughout, increasing confidence for all stakeholders and helping to avoid last-minute issues or missed deadlines.


Manage the full funding lifecycle

The widest range of data sources in the industry

Elements offers more automated data integrations than any competing products: our state of the art automatic claiming and identifier search functionality will save your researchers time and effort. We go beyond just publications metadata, capturing citations, altmetrics, and other research metrics as well as direct links to open access files. Our seamless Dimensions integration offers the first fully searchable grants data source and will even automatically create links between publications and grants.

Data Automated Search Automatic Claiming Auto-Link Publications & Grants Research Metrics Full-Text Links
Altmetric Publications
ARXIV Publications
CINII Publications
Crossref Publications
Dimensions* Publications & Grants
DBLP Publications
Europe-PMC Publications
Figshare Publications
Google Books Publications
MLA* Publications
ORCID* Publications
PubMed Publications
REPEC Publications
SSRN Publications
Scopus* Publications
Web Of Science* Publications

*Subject to license/membership

Symplectic Elements now an ORCID Certified Service Provider 2

The Elements Platform 5

Introduction to Research Information Management Systems

Are you familiar with the term ‘RIM’ system but unsure about the benefits they bring to academic professionals and researchers?

Maybe you’re well-versed in RIM systems but eager to explore fresh use cases or ways to optimize their potential?

This webinar explores the benefits of RIMS and their transformative potential for academic institutions like yours.


We wanted to create a single, multi-university resource that provides
enhanced visibility into expertise, equipment and research
support services and available IP.

Tim Cain, Ohio Innovation Exchange

This tool connects our scholarly and research expertise with audiences like media,
prospective graduate students, and academic collaborators, while simultaneously
helping faculty keep track of the very important work they do. It is a game-changer for U of T.

Associate Vice-President Research, University of Toronto

The deeply integrated environment we now have will greatly enhance
our ability to manage the range of repository activities and strengthen
our position in preparing for any future research assessment exercises.

Digital Development Manager, University of Sussex

It helps keep us organised and keeps everything in one place.

Peter Fisher, Worldwide Cancer Research

Researcher profiles and end-to-end funded research
project management all now take place in the one interface,
which has huge benefits to our researchers.

Liam Cleere, University College Dublin

The discovery module has provided a delightful and fantastic
searchable public interface to our to our faculty.

Paul Bergen, Tufts University

The rate of deposit has increased by 1000% within 12 months following the switch-on of
the publication prompt in Elements and discussion about the HEFCE Open Access policy.

Queen Mary University of London

Elements impressed us with its simplicity, flexibility and control
for individual faculty members, and great responsiveness with customer service.

Clarke Iakovakis, Oklahoma State University

I think the most important feature Symplectic Elements came with was interoperability
The fact that it had that flow through profiles to the repository was really, really valuable for us.

Research Advisor, La Trobe University

Working with Symplectic Grant Tracker has streamlined our grants application process,
with automation of various processes being key to saving us time.

Research & Grants Manager, Bowel Research UK